Meeting of 5 large centers. Lectures, panels, meditations.

2023-05-26, 20:00

Meeting of 5 large centers. Lectures, panels, meditations.

2023-05-26, 20:00

Meeting of 5 large centers – Warsaw, Berlin, London, Moscow and Copenhagen.

Friends, we invite you to an unusual meditation course combined with a meeting with friends from five large centers – Warsaw, Berlin, London, Moscow and Copenhagen.

We meet on May 26th, 27th and 28th, 2023 at the Warsaw Buddhist Meditation Center.

Where did the idea for such meetings come from? Lama Ole Nydahl asked us, these five centers, to meditate together and exchange experiences.

This will be yet another one in the history of these meetings and the first one after the pandemic.


May 26th (Friday)

6:00 PM Dinner

8:00 PM Panel of traveling teachers: Marcin Mędrzecki, Andriy Toloshny

Topic: "The Meaning of the Sangha" and 16th Karmapa Meditation 

May 27th (Saturday)

9:00 AM 16th Karmapa Meditation 

10:00 AM Breakfast – English breakfast

11:00 AM First session. Topics:

    Berlin – News from the life of the center;

    Berlin – Construction process, architecture-design-inspired by Warsaw;

    Berlin – AR-Tour in a virtual Gompa;

    How is the board of directors elected? (Moscow)

2:00 PM German-style dinner

3:00 PM Second session. Topics:

    Copenhagen – News from the life of the center.

    Copenhagen – News: New management board; How is DK 2023 organized

    Moscow – News from the life of the center.

    Moscow – Russian Winter Tour 2023

    All centers – "365 Tour" impressions of the organization process

6:00 PM dinner in the style of Joanna The Doctor, Warsaw Center resident (=amazing!!!)

7:00 PM Lecture by Wojtek Tracewski "Teacher-Student Relationship" and 16th Karmapa Meditation 

10:00 PM party – DJs from different countries and cities

May 28th (Sunday)

9:00 AM 16th Karmapa Meditation

10:00 AM Warsaw-style breakfast

12:00 PM Third session. Topics:

    London – Center news.

    London – Implementation of International Projects

    International Foundation; Function of the International Foundation

    London – Conducting International Courses (2023/2024 schedule)

    All centers – How do we select residents?

    All centers – How do large centers work with surrounding centers and retreat centers?

    Warsaw – News from the life of the Center.

2:00 PM Lunch Copenhagen

3:00 PM Meditation session

5:00 PM Streaming or archival lecture by Lama Ole or screening of the film "Hannah. The Unknown History of Buddhism"

6:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Panel of traveling teachers, “What Is Diamond Way Buddhism?” and 16th Karmapa Meditation

Contribution for participation in the lecture – PLN 20 each

Facebook event

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